In Coș
S3 TCamera

Cel mai bun echipament pentru taiere asistata pe contur.

Dispozitivele de tăiere tangenţiale şi cuţite S3™ prezintă inginerie de cea mai înaltă calitate şi cea mai avansată tehnologie de tăiere pentru a oferi cea mai lungă precizie de tăiere a conturului pentru grafica imprimată.

Modelele OPOS-CAM vin cu modulul lamă tangenţială Summa şi sunt actualizate cu Camera OPOS. Aceste mașini sunt cele mai potrivite pentru profesioniștii în semnătură care au nevoie de o tăiere mai rapidă și mai precisă.

cm (-inch)

45.500,00LEI  36.400,00LEI

Rata lunara de la 255 €/luna.

Preturiile afisate nu contin TVA
cm (-inch)

73.788,00LEI  59.030,40LEI

Rata lunara de la 410 €/luna.

Preturiile afisate nu contin TVA


Unrivaled technology at your finger tips.

Legendary Tracking System

Summa's exclusive MicroSprocket™ drive drum, coupled with powerful servo motors, deliver jaw-dropping accuracy. Media is conditioned as it advances to assure spot-on tracking precision.


OPOS Contour Cutting Alignment

The automated contour alignment system OPOS stands for Optical Positioning System. The OPOS X sensor technology senses a minimum of 4 and a maximum of 128 marks on a wide range of materials. Some of its features include a fully-automated workflow, using OPOS barcodes, enabling you to contour cut multiple jobs without intervention.

Vibrant Colour Touch Screen

The intuitively redesigned menu system and full-colour touch interface allow for effortless navigation. Tactile and easy to use, the touch screen displays large amounts of information in an easily accessible format.

Unmatched Die-Cutting Precision

Summa's unique FlexCut feature takes cutting technology to the next level. This adjustable feature creates a perforated cut that allows the material to retain the necessary rigidity to transport through the cutter while remaining easy to break apart into individual pieces.

Automatic Cut-off knife

The cutting head includes an automatic cut-off knife which can optionally be set as to slice your media at the end of the job.


Ethernet Connectivity

Multiple computers can now control one unit across a network, or a crossover cable can be used for direct connection - creating an all-new avenue for faster communication and data transmission speeds.


With OPOS CAM, Summa delivers yet another amazing innovation with the printing industry’s first camera recognition alignment solution for friction-driven vinyl drum cutters.


A Servo-powered Roll-up System

After a job is finished, the system will roll up the artwork neatly and prepare the machine for the next unattended job. The integrated paneling feature splits long-length runs into shorter consecutive jobs.

S3TC TANGENTIAL-CAMERA Series S3 Specifications

MODELE s2-cam-t75-Logo s2-cam-t140-Logo s2-cam-t160-Logo
MODELE s2-cam-t75-Logo s2-cam-t140-Logo s2-cam-t160-Logo
SISTEM DE TAIERE Tangential cu rotirea cutitului servo si Drag knife cu turbocut
Latime Media

Latime Taiere
Mod extins
Latime Media 6 la 84 cm

S3 TC75 74.2 cm x 50 m
Oversized Mode 81.2 cm
Latime Media 17 la 145 cm

S3 TC140 135 cm x 50 m
Oversized Mode 142 cm
Latime Media 17 la 168 cm

S3 TC160 158 cm x 50 m
Oversized Mode 165 cm
VITEZA Toate modelele Summa S Class 2 OPOS CAM decupeaza cu o viteza de mana la 1414 mm (56 inches) pe secunda in diagonala
VITEZA AXIALA Pana la 5.5 G in diagonala
OPOS - CAM : echipare standard cu camera video Summa S Class 2 S75TC, S140TC si S160TC
Barcode job recognition
Up to 2 x 64 marks on the X-line
Y-Line compensation
REPETABILITATE Repetabilitate de ± 0.1 mm (± 0.004 in.) la o lungime de pana la 12 m (40 ft.) la role de pana la 760 mm latime/long
Repetabilitate de ± 0.1 mm (± 0.004 in.) la o lungime de pana la 4 m la role de peste 760 mm latime
PRECIZIE 0.2 % la miscare sau 0.25 mm
FORTA APASARE De la 0-600 grame cu incrementare din 5 in 5 grame
LIMBA PE DISPLAY English; French; German; Dutch; Italian; Spanish; Polish; Czech; Latvian; Lithuanian; Portuguese
TENSIUNE ALIMENTARE 220-240 VAC, 50/60 Hz, 85 VA maxim
141 x 68 x 111 cm
S3 TC140
202 x 68 x 111 cm
S3 TC160
225 x 68 x 111 cm
GREUTATE LA TRANSPORT S3 TC75 69 kg (152 lbs) S3 TC140 90 kg (198 lbs) S3 TC160 114 kg (251 lbs)
ACCESORII STANDARD Manual de instalare rapida, Cablu Alimentare, Cablu USB, Capete rola (set of 2), Suport cutit tangential 36˚ , Cutit tangential 36˚ , Suport cutit drag knife 36˚ , Cutit drag knife 36˚ , Sistem debitare din rola Automat Cut-off Knife , Lama debitare media din rola Cut-off, Stand cu Cos Textil.
ACCESORI OPTIONALE   Take-Up Roller motorizat pentru Summa S2 140 si S2 160
Media Rack pentru Summa S2 140 si S2 160
Software standard Software parametrizare echipament Summa Cutter Control
Software taiere Summa WinPlot - Windows
Software taiere Mac Sign - Mac OS
Plug In direct in CorelDraw
Plus In direct in Adobe Illustrator
Driver USB communicatie - Windows
Driver USB communicatie - Mac OS
CD w/ Manual
* up date pentru software si plug in pe perioada nelimitata on line pe site pentru oricate calculatoare
Garantie 2 ani (24 de luni)



Catalog Echipament

Catalog cutter plotter SummaCut si Summa S2

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